The Rebel!

Unofficial BANG! expansion

The Rebel! is a new role that enters the game when playing in 4, 6, 8, 9 or 10 players. The roles are distributed as follows.
4 players: Sheriff, Outlaw, Renegade, Rebel!.
6 players: Sheriff, Deputy, 2 Outlaws, Renegade, Rebel!.
8 players: Sheriff, 2 Deputies, 3 Outlaws, Renegade, Rebel!.
9 players: Sheriff, 2 Deputies, 3 Outlaws, 2 Renegades, Rebel!.
10 players: Sheriff, 2 Deputies, 4 Outlaws, 2 Renegades, Rebel!.

The objective of the Rebel! is to kill the Sheriff by himself. This means that his elimination must happen during the Rebel!’s turn. In this case the game does not end, but continues with the Rebel! taking the role of the Sheriff and trying to win the game at his place (he must kill the Outlaws and the Renegade). Deputies still in play are now considered his allies.
The objective for the other roles is the same as in the traditional Bang!. Players’ objectives do not change in case the original Sheriff is replaced by the Rebel!. A Deputy can win the game both being at the original Sheriff’s side or as an ally of the Rebel! once he becomes Sheriff.
The Rebel! is not an Outlaw nor a Renegade, so the Sheriff and the Deputies don't necessarily need to kill him in order to win the game.

Unlike all other players, the Rebel! can reveal his role at the end of phase 1 of any of his turns. With this move the Rebel! gets out of the shadow and shows his evil intentions towards the Sheriff. Showing the role, however, is not mandatory: the Rebel! can also choose to stay hidden and kill the Sheriff "by surprise", for example, pretending to be an Outlaw.
In the traditional Bang! game, the Sheriff loses all of his cards if he kills a Deputy. If the Rebel! is revealed this rule does not apply: in this way the Sheriff has the chance to defend himself from a possible “betraying” Deputy.

The Revolution occurs when the Rebel! kills the Sheriff. When this happens the following things apply.
1) The Rebel! shows his role card (if not shown already), ends his turn on phase 2 and becomes the new Sheriff gaining all of his abilities. In fact, he immediately gains 1 life-point and increases by 1 the number of maximum life-points, thus keeping the same amount of hits. Furthermore, he cannot be put into Jail (if he has a Jail in front of himself, this is immediately discarded) and will lose all of his cards if he kills a Deputy.
2) If playing with the High Noon or A fistful of Cards expansions, then the new Sheriff takes the corresponding deck and flips the following card.
3) The new Sheriff immediately begins a new turn from phase 1, regardless of how he ended his previous turn. This means that in the passage from Rebel! to Sheriff he skips phase 3 and keeps all of his cards even when exceeding his life-points.
4) The game continues normally with every player keeping his role, cards and life-points.

The Rebel! represents an insurgent or a revolutionary leader, he is idealist and charismatic. Many examples of characters of this kind can be found in western history, movies and literature.
The Rebel! hates the lawful, but not the law in itself , in fact he wants to kill the Sheriff to take the power for himself. In order to achieve his goal he must overthrow the power and demonstrate to the people that he can solve problems better than the old Sheriff. That’s the reason why when the Outlaws and the Renegade are eliminated the Revolution is not possible anymore: the lawful win and the Rebel! is defeated.

- If the Sheriff is eliminated in any other way than the one specified above, the game is over and traditional rules apply.
- If the Rebel! kills the Sheriff with a Gatling, Indians! or Howitzer card its effect is brought to end before the Revolution. If this causes the elimination of a Deputy, the Rebel! will not have any penalty since he’s not become a Sheriff yet. If this card eliminates the last Outlaw/Renegade, the Revolution occurs in any case at the end of the card effect, resulting in a victory for the Rebel!-Sheriff and the Deputies still in play.
- If the Sheriff dies due to a Duel played against the Rebel! the Revolution does not occur since the Sheriff has not been eliminated during the Rebel!’s turn. Therefore this results in a victory for the Outlaws.
- If the Sheriff killed by the Rebel! comes back into play due to the Ghost Town or the Dead Man, he plays as a Rebel!.
- If the eliminated Rebel! (or Sheriff) comes back into play due to the Ghost Town or the Dead Man, he will be considered with the role shown.
- A Deputy eliminated before the Revolution loses the game even if the Rebel!-Sheriff wins. If he comes back with the Dead Man or the Ghost Town after the Revolution he will be considered winner if the Lawful win.
- If the eliminated Rebel! (or Sheriff) plays a turn with the Ghost Town and kills the Sheriff, he comes back into the game completely. In fact, he gains a life-point due to the Revolution (going to 1) and begins a new turn when the Ghost Town is not present anymore.

by Fabio Bellagamba & Mauro Roncarelli

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