mercoledì 26 giugno 2013

It was my mistake with the dynamite + The schiveits

120. The schiveits

Sala riunioni, 24.06.2013

Aracuan: sheriff (dead [3])
Trinità: outlaw (alive)
Niceleg: rebel (alive)
Frogbite: renegade (alive)
Paradox: outlaw (dead [2])
Murka: deputy (dead [1])

119. It was my mistake with the dynamite

Sala riunioni, 24.06.2013

Niceleg: sheriff (dead [1])
Frogbite: outlaw (alive)
Paradox: rebel (alive)
Murka: deputy (alive)
Aracuan: renegade (alive)
Trinità: outlaw (alive)

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